It's amazing how I turned out, considering I have spend my entire 21 years (ahem) on this Earth in the extremely close-minded Mid-South. I like to think that I keep an open mind with most subjects, although I do tend to be passionate in my opinions.
There are hundreds of churches in this small podunk community of mine. Everywhere you go round here, you see signs for various denominations and you run into all sorts of Christians. Some of them are truly wonderful people, who give Christianity a good rep. They are sweet and kind and loving. I have the extreme privilege of calling some of these awesome people "friend."
I also know several "Christians" who, to be frank, suck at it. They talk about you, they talk about each other, they have no remorse or guilt for their actions and they are positive that everything they do is right because they go to church a couple times a week. I once had a tard tell me, "But it's okay---Jesus died so we could sin."
Wait, what?
Coming from a small, Southern-fried town, I have many frustrations stemming from ignorance in religion. People who call themselves Christian, and go to church, still have no clue what the Bible says, other than what was gone over Sunday morning. God gave us His Word so we can all read it and learn it and live it. . .NOT so we can sit in His house and listen to someone else tell us what it says and what
they think it means.
My mother in law actually admitted to never reading the Bible herself. She claimed she just wasn't smart enough, that she had to rely on what her preacher told her it meant.
This is the same woman who told me that my unborn child and I were going to hell because we wouldn't go to her church. 'Cause, you know, that's a Commandment or something.
If you're going to claim to live by the Bible, live by the whole thing, not just the bits and pieces that you learn about in Sunday school. There's so much more to it!
Yeah, all this coming from a heathen who hasn't been in a church in over a year. For the same reason most people don't go to church--because of the people there. I have yet to find a church that I am comfortable in, where I feel welcome and loved.
A huge problem I have with Christians is that so many of them condemn their fellow man. They pass judgement on each other and it's just sad. I have yet to meet a perfect person, yet I have met hundreds who, apparently, think so much of themselves that they call others damned. I know of folks who have missed out on some awesome relationships, on knowing and learning from some amazing people, because of their prejudices and ignorance.
I've also noticed a trend in Christians being biased on their social status too. Why does money and power have anything to do with how good a person is? Should it be that way? It is around here.
Again, I say, not all Christians are this way. Not everyone out here in the sticks is just blind like that.
Which leads me to my next point. I know of a few self-proclaimed atheists, and several more I suspect but don't really feel it necessary to know and ask, who are the most open-minded and kind-hearted people. They may make comments on God and Christianity that make me feel the need to stop and pray for all of us, but they are usually quicker to forgive and quicker to offer a helping hand, a listening heart, than anyone else. It's confusing, but refreshing too. No matter what YOU might believe, I believe that since they are kind and do good on Earth, and love their fellow man (whether they wanna admit it or not) and because I love them, I will see them again after this life is over.
Now. Homosexuals. I don't see what the big deal is. I think that love is love, as long as you're not hurting anyone, who cares? I've heard some assholes claim that homosexuality is akin to beastiality and pedophilia, that if homosexuality is "okayed" then what's stopping these other "abominations" from being mainstreamed?
Oh, stupidity makes my brain hurt.
Homosexuality does not hurt anyone. Bottom line. Who cares what other folks do with their "no no" parts? I guess I just don't think about it enough for it to bother me. And gay people are still people, and people are so much more than how they have sex.
me, being totally gay |
To breach another uncomfortable subject---I know of a few "Christians" who condemn homosexuality and use the good ole Sodom and Gomorrah argument, but admit to giving anal sex a try. Uh, hello? Sodomy much? How are you going to base your opinion on something you yourself have tried?!
And homosexuality is not really unnatural. Humans are not the only ones who have tendencies.
Were you aware that female koalas have 2 vaginas each, and prefer other female koalas' company over male koalas'? Seriously. They pile up four or five at a time and have little koala lesbo orgies.
And here you thought they were so stinkin cute.
Here's a couple of docus that I've watched recently that prompted this rant. They both give a lot of insight to both sides. "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers" "For the Bible Tells Me So"
I expect to lose a few friends over this. And that's fine. If you would rather stop talking to me and lose what history we may have together just because you don't like what I say, then we really aren't friends anyway, are we?
I don't hope that happens. I hope to hear back from insightful people who have intelligent, well-read feedback, no matter what side of the issue you're on.