Saturday, March 31, 2012



I've been under full sedation twice in my life. The first time, I was about 4 years old, and had to have my front teeth removed.  The 2nd was Wednesday and I had to have all 4 wisdom teefs cut and pulled and broken and yanked out.

Not cool.

One thing that is cool, though?--realizing I could be a stand-in for David Della Rocco.  As ugly as I was leaving the dentist, this made me snort:

Yeah, not pretty at all.  And anemic-pasty to boot.

Then, the next day, this:
My busted-ass face and blood vessels, because I'm a genius and put ice-packs directly on my skin.  But, hey, see how the swelling's gone down?  Yeah.  Like a boss.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Easy Curls for Super Straight Hair

I've tried just about every method for curling my girls' hair--which is straight and baby fine, almost the total opposite of my own nappy locks--and nothing held longer than a few minutes.

Until. . .


Check it:

Take damp hair, divide into sections, and twist the hell out of each section.  Twist the hair around itself, tuck the ends in at the scalp, and secure loosely with little elastics.  Sleep on it, and, in the mornin--TA HONKIN DA Y'ALL:

This method did what no heat style, or even a hairdresser, has ever been able to accomplish.  I scrunched it up and spritzed on some curl-enhancing hairspray, and that shit held allllll day.

Mommy likey.