Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bite Me.

So it's been a while. . . blah.  I'm feelin a little crapped out, a little ill, and a lot sorry for myself.  My dream, my huge thisismylifeandwhatIwannadowithit fantasy, has been since I was 7 to be a writer.

. . . or maybe it started before 7. . .

I should've clarified that in the beginning, when I started mapping out my destiny.

Or maybe this is just God's way of telling me, "Yo, shitforbrains, YOU don't get a say-so in this."

So, I've written hundreds of stories, finished a few full-length novels, but have only one that has been "done" for years.  This stupid book I wrote when I was 17 (and prolly stoned) about this girl Tahmi, who is a mashup of every female I loved at the time and all the horrible things that happened to each of them.  But with my humor.  I was so in love with this story, so proud of it  . . . then I spent the next 10 years editing and rewriting and submitting and getting rejection after rejection from editors and publishing houses alike.

I grew to hate this damn story.  I've read and reread it so many times I now see it as utter crap.  Albeit funny crap.

Theeeeeeeenn I find out about this program through Amazon that lets you publish on demand.  Pretty much no charge, they just publish and send this joker out whenever anyone orders.  Neato.  I make peanuts, but Hey!  I'm published!

So I'm sending word around, my dad's pimping me out on his Facebook page . . . 2 weeks later, I've sold 12 copies.



Like I said, I should've clarified.  I don't want to be just a writer,  I want to be a great frickin writer, making bank so I sit my night-owl ass at home and be on my own schedule to write all night, see the kids off to school, sleep until they get home, then just chillll.  No worries about housework, there's a maid for that.  No more soul-crushing, panic-attack-inducing trips to Wally World, there's someone to do that shit for me too.

But I can't really accomplish this off 12 stinkin sells, can I?  Especially since I only make about 2 bucks off each print.  Sigh.

Okay, new plan.  I'm off to write a GOOD story this time.  I'll visit this rant again in another 10 years.


  1. We share the same dream. I've never sent anything in to be rejected, though. Chicken. But the staying up all night and sleeping all day sounds wonderful. Maybe I should put some more effort into getting published.

  2. Go for it---use CreateSpace through Amazon. You actually have something to say, people listen to you and read your stuff already. Get it out there!
